The GTA 5 Gaming Hack Cheat fines hundreds of thousands of dollars

The international legal system in the advanced, fair, balanced, independent, and well-funded humane system, certainly makes a judicial system more robust in the deliberate judgments of the society. In fact, in the United States, the Federal Court ruled in favor of a perpetrator who created the GTA 5 gaming cheat pays hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.

Jhonny Perez, who has been paying a bribe to his actions, has been hit by a gigantic GTX 5 Online game, Many cheaties benefit from the limitless amount of Money Hackers, allowing them to play other Cheat Games, making the GTA 5 Online very confusing. In this case, the perpetrator, Jhonny Perez, not only has to pay $ 150,000 to repair his damages, but the court decides to pay the legal fees to his defense lawyers. Also in the amount of US $ 66,869.

However, besides being fined, we do not know if the Florida Court will impose this sentence on the offender because we do not know the crime. The same is true whether the US law is guilty of imprisonment or not! This story is a bit of a show to other developers who want to create a future Cheat to play Hack / Cheat because if experts investigate and hold the news, it is going to be the same way with Jhonny Perez.

From: cambo-report

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